I grew up in a tiny dark room
With a square window I could not reach
I thought; “one day I'll grow up.
I'll break the window and outside reach.
“I'll see trees, people and park benches
I'll see the sun, not just its beams
I'll search for god. I'll go to churches
I've only read books and seen things in dreams
I grew into a man
I could reach the window
The bars were weak with rust
And flowery creepers grew slow
I wanted to break free
But those creepers were beautiful
So I sat there to write a poem
And made my heart full
The creepers grew
Sprouting flowers and leaves
And they covered the walls,
Cracking bricks, breaking lightbulbs
I wrote poem after poem
I never wanted to leave
The walls cracked
They will fall on me one day
And I’ll die with my poems.
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