The rain is loud now, As if a giant feet arises from the clouds To step on the river under the bridge of my heart And disturb it in such a way That the sails of ships bend, And the water touches the bridge from below, Tickling it to sorrow… The rain is loud now, But actually, it has always been like this. You were there once, And I never felt it. But now, All there is Is this sorrow That tickles me from inside, As if it wants me to laugh, Yet doesn’t let me At the same time…
A white horse with wings
Can come out of the ocean,
Cats afraid of water
Can develop a taste for fish,
Bats dying on power lines
Still roam around at night.
Logic is not enough in this world.
Logic is not enough
When a rhinoceros chases you through the Savannah.
Nature steps in
And tells you to run for your life.
It doesn’t tell you to wait
And make a trap in the sand.
The weird is just what has not become logic yet.
Should we make it logic?
Should we really ooze out the magic in everything?
We have become
Too smart.
We have become
Too selfish.
We have become
Too organised,
Too fixed our ways.
And we don’t see the magic in anything.
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