The rain is loud now, As if a giant feet arises from the clouds To step on the river under the bridge of my heart And disturb it in such a way That the sails of ships bend, And the water touches the bridge from below, Tickling it to sorrow… The rain is loud now, But actually, it has always been like this. You were there once, And I never felt it. But now, All there is Is this sorrow That tickles me from inside, As if it wants me to laugh, Yet doesn’t let me At the same time…
The day I saw you,
You were marvellous.
Yellow butterflies came from you
And sprinkled golden dust all around.
You were bright.
But you wanted me.
The sun has fallen on this black rose
And turned the dew into pearls.
The sun has found me hiding
In this hollow trunk.
You wanted me
Because I was a lonely teddy bear on a bench
Fallen sideways.
You wanted me
Because I was a sword
Decorated to hide what I am.
You wanted me
And you got me.
But you tried to take this sword by the blade
And you cut yourself.
You cut yourself
And blamed me,
Took away the sunlight
And took me back to the hollow trunk
Where you found me.
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