Dogs eat up leftovers on the street
Without realizing they are cleaning the street,
Leaves die in the winter
So the tree may live to see another spring,
We live
So that we can bring people to our funeral.
Everything happens for a reason;
Or does it?
The pigeon doesn’t aim poop at your head
Unless it thinks you're a rock.
Light doesn’t come in to light the room.
The room has a window there.
There is no reason.
All one can do is hope that it happens;
Hope that the last domino in the line
Makes the spoon fall,
That the child will not discover porn when he’s seven,
That the die rolls a six.
One who understands this
Will put a window where the light falls;
And there will be more light,
More sound,
Music of birds.
There will be more life
In life.
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