The rain is loud now, As if a giant feet arises from the clouds To step on the river under the bridge of my heart And disturb it in such a way That the sails of ships bend, And the water touches the bridge from below, Tickling it to sorrow… The rain is loud now, But actually, it has always been like this. You were there once, And I never felt it. But now, All there is Is this sorrow That tickles me from inside, As if it wants me to laugh, Yet doesn’t let me At the same time…
The murderer
Laughs at the television.
He laughs at how dumb
The police are,
How wrongly they said things happened.
The murderer laughs.
The murderer laughs.
They kill the killer
And say the number of killers
Has decreased.
We know that can’t happen.
We get a chance to laugh.
We get a chance to laugh.
But we don’t.
A killer cannot kill another killer.
But the police can.
Kill with a mask,
And you get killed.
Kill with a uniform,
And you get promoted.
So how we look
Influences how we're seen.
And how we're seen
Influences our future.
But why?
We get a chance to ask.
We get a chance to ask.
But we don’t.
If you want to do something bad,
Wear a uniform
And do it.
And no one
Will ask
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