There is a smell in my room
Which I notice only after returning to it
After some time.
It might be
Those unwashed clothes,
Piss on the tiles,
A dead rat.
But why do I care?
We all do things to show others.
We clean our rooms
To show others it doesn’t smell.
But who will come into my room
Except me?
And the smell has been there
For a long time-
So long, that it might not be
Unwashed clothes,
Piss on the tiles,
A dead rat.
It might be me,
Rotting away within myself.
Not bathing the body,
Not wearing perfume.
Not bathing the soul,
Not searching if I even have a soul,
If I can still love,
If I can still look at the willows
As a beautiful creation,
Rather than a poor thing made to die,
Like me,
Like all of us.
Can I still look at a child
And smile?
Can I still look at a kitten near the rubbish bin
And ache?
Can I still look at someone
And make my soul believe
That they too have problems?
Can I feel anything?
Anything other than
This stink around me,
Coming from me.
Can I feel
Anything else
At all?
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